In this archive story we are meeting a Street child with one of her younger siblings in Mumbai, India.
Read the background story of this archive photo by the photographer.
A street child is seen with one of her younger siblings on the Dadabhai Naoroji Road in Mumbai, India. Mainly because of family conflict, street children come to live on the streets and take on the full responsibilities of caring for themselves, including working to provide for and protecting themselves.
A street child is seen with one of her younger siblings on the Dadabhai Naoroji Road in Mumbai, India. Mainly because of family conflict, street children come to live on the streets and take on the full responsibilities of caring for themselves, including working to provide for and protecting themselves.
Kristian Bertel, Photographer By Kristian Bertel, Photographer
– Updated on February 29, 2024

Dadabhai Naoroji Rd portraiture

When considering India as a whole, there are over 11 million children who earn their living off the streets in cities and rural areas. It is more common for street children to be male and the average age is 14. Although adolescent girls are more protected by families than boys are, when girls do break the bonds they are often worse off than boys are, as they are lured into prostitution.

How many street children are there in India?

India has an estimated 1 million or more street children in each of the following cities, New Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai.

Child abandonment in India
The Republic of India is the 7th-largest and 2nd-most populated country in the world. Due to the acceleration in economic growth, an economic rift has appeared, with just over 32 percent of the population living below the poverty line. Owing to unemployment, increasing rural-urban migration, the attraction of city life and a lack of political will, India has developed one of the largest child labour forces in the world.

Child abandonment is the practice of relinquishing interests and claims over one's offspring in an illegal way, with the intent of never resuming or reasserting guardianship. The phrase is typically used to describe the physical abandonment of a child, but it can also include severe cases of neglect and emotional abandonment, such as when parents fail to provide financial and emotional support for children over an extended period of time. An abandoned child is referred to as a foundling as opposed to a runaway or an orphan. Baby dumping refers to parents leaving a child younger than 12 months in a public or private place with the intent of terminating their care for the child. It is also known as rehoming when adoptive parents use illegal means, such as the internet, to find new homes for their children.

"Poverty and homelessness are often causes of child abandonment. People living in countries with poor social welfare systems such as in India and who are not financially capable of taking care of a child are more likely to abandon their children because of a lack of resources"

Shamed by their community
In some cases the parents already have a child or children, but are unable to take care of another child at that time. In societies where women are looked down upon for being teenage or single mothers, child abandonment is more common. Children born out of the confines of marriage may be abandoned in a family's attempt to prevent being shamed by their community. Physical disability, mental illness and substance abuse problems that parents are facing can also cause them to abandon their children. In India, children who are born with congenital disorders or other health complications may be abandoned if their parents feel unequipped to provide them with the level of care that their condition requires.

Reasons why a child is abandoned

In cultures where the sex of the child is of utmost importance, parents are more likely to abandon a baby of the undesired sex. Similarly, people may choose to pursue the often controversial option of sex-selective abortion. Political conditions, such as war and displacement of a family, are also cause for parents to abandon their children. Additionally, a parent being incarcerated or deported can result in the involuntary abandonment of a child, even if the parent or parents did not voluntarily relinquish their parental role.

"Disownment of a child is a form of abandonment, which entails ending contact with and support for, one's dependent. Disownment tends to occur later in a child's life, generally due to a conflict between the parent or parents and the child, but can also occur when children are still young. Reasons include divorce of parents, discovering the true paternity of a child and a child's actions bringing shame to a family, most commonly, breaking the law, teenage pregnancy, major religious or ideological differences"

Runaway children in India
The street children in India as portrayed here by Kristian Bertel | Photography can also be street children because they are the so-called 'Runaways'. A runaway is a minor or depending upon the local jurisdiction a person under a specified age, who has left their parents or legal guardians without permission. Statistics show that females are more likely to run away than males. Runaways have an elevated risk of destructive behavior. Approximately 50 percent of runaways experience difficulties with schooling, including dropping out, expulsion or suspension. Running away can increase the risk of delinquency for adolescents and expose them to the risk of victimization.

"There have been many studies in multiple countries about street children youth who have run away and are presently homeless, showing that they have a high risk of taking illicit drugs, developing sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancy, depression, suicide attempts and sexual exploitation"

Conditions with runaway children
Greater proportions of runaway youths experience clinically significant post-traumatic stress disorder than normative youths. Trauma generally begins with runaway youth's experiences within the family and is increased by prolonged traumatic events. The likelihood of depression among female runaways is related to family conflict and communication. Depression in male runaways is typically related to paternal alcohol abuse and family relationships. Negative interactions in relationships within the family appear to greatly influence depressive symptoms for both genders.

Hope of a better life in India
These children are the destitute children and young people who squat, beg and roam in Indian streets. In India, the number of street children is estimated at several million in the country. The city of Mumbai has a very dense railway network which makes it a privileged destination for poor children attracted by the hope of a better life. Once on the street, these children find themselves in a situation of extreme vulnerability as seen in one of the photographer's pictures on LensCulture. Having fled their homes because of poverty, abuse or mistreatment, they no longer have any alternative and their situation deteriorates. In the worst case, these children will be raped, mutilated or exploited. They very often encounter problems of drug addiction and alcoholism and present a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and most of these street children beg and steal for food, surviving in general indifference.

Action and impact
The children in the streets have mostly run away. The aim for Help organizations is to identify new street children very quickly and reintegrate them into their families or redirect them to adoption services if they have been mistreated. As these children are not in school at all, in partnership with local schools, we are re-schooling them. At the day center, the children are entertained and educated.

India is a country known for its rich heritage and diverse culture, but along with that, it is also known for its vast population and high poverty rates. As a traveler, I was excited to explore the vibrant and colorful streets of India, but I was also aware of the reality of poverty that exists in the country. However, nothing could have prepared me for the heart-wrenching sight of the poor street children in India.

The photographer's own experience of photographing street childen in India
"- As I interacted with some of these children, I was startled by their resilience and optimism despite their circumstances. They had big dreams and aspirations, but their harsh reality overshadowed them. It made me realize how privileged I am to have been born in a comfortable and stable environment, which gave me the opportunities to fulfill my dreams. But what struck me the most was the stark contrast between these children and the luxury and extravagance I saw in the cities. The high-end malls, luxurious cars and fancy restaurants seemed almost obscene to me in the presence of such poverty. It made me question the fairness and equality in society. How can one part of the population live in extreme poverty while the other enjoys excessive wealth?", the Photographer says

"As I walked through the bustling streets, I couldn't help but notice the swarm of young faces, some as young as 3 to 7 years old, roaming around aimlessly, begging for money or food. These children were wearing tattered clothes, their faces smudged with dirt and their hair in a tangled mess. Some were barefoot and others wore worn-out slippers. Their big, innocent eyes filled with longing and desperation left a lasting impression on me. I couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness as I saw these children struggling to survive in such dismal conditions. Many of them are forced to beg by their own families who are struggling to make ends meet. It is heart-breaking to see such young, vulnerable souls being deprived of a proper childhood, education and basic necessities like food and shelter"

"- Furthermore, the issue of child labour is also prevalent in India, and these street children are often forced to work in hazardous conditions to support their families. The sight of these young souls working alongside adults in construction sites and factories was heart-wrenching. It made me realize that these children are not just deprived of their childhood but are also being denied their right to education and a better future. Despite the challenges, there are some organizations and individuals working towards improving the lives of these street children. I came across a few NGOs that provide shelter, education and healthcare to these children. They also strive to reunite them with their families and create sustainable livelihood opportunities for them. These initiatives gave me some hope that things could change for the better", the Photographer says again

"- As a traveler, witnessing the plight of these poor street children in India has left a lasting impact on me. It has opened my eyes to the harsh realities of poverty and inequality and ignited a desire to make a difference in whatever way I can. It made me appreciate the little things in life and be grateful for all that I have. And most importantly, it reminded me to be kind and compassionate towards those in need. The experience of seeing the poor street children in India has been a mix of emotions. It has been heartbreaking, eye-opening and thought-provoking. It has made me realize the importance of addressing the issue of poverty in the country and working towards a more equal and just society. I hope that as travelers, we can use our experiences to raise awareness and bring about positive change for these children who are the future of our world", the Photographer says again

See this video about the differences in India made by Real Stories.

A bittersweet experience
"- During my photography trip to India, I had a first-hand experience of capturing small siblings taking care of each other on the street. It was a bittersweet experience as I witnessed the small children looking after each other in a way no one else could. I started my journey in the beautiful city of Varanasi. As it's known, in India parents usually have many children. While exploring the narrow streets of the city, I stumbled upon a group of small children. As I kept my camera on them, I realized that these siblings could be no older than 3 to 7-years-old. I immediately noticed that the small siblings were looking to each other for comfort. This included holding hands, caring for each other's needs and making sure they were safe from harm", the Photographer says again.

"- Seeing this firsthand brought tears to my eyes as I realized the importance of companionship and emotional support during difficult trips such as these. My experiences were so powerful that I can hardly put them into words. I saw a sheer strength and unity in the small siblings. Whether it was facing the harsh environment on the street or being surrounded by crowds, the children supported each other in a remarkable way"
, the Photographer says again

"- Furthermore, this experience made me immensely grateful for the safety and security that our homes provide. Children learn and become more resilient with the support of their siblings. I believe that all of us can learn something from the small siblings of India. In conclusion, out of all of the sights I had seen in India, discovering small siblings taking care of each other on the street was one of the most touching experiences of all. These small children did not have anyone else to rely on as they faced the challenging environment around them, so it was wonderful to see their strength and unity in the face of adversity. It was a beautiful reminder of the power of companionship and emotional support", the Photographer says again

Read also:  Inequality in India

Read also:  Inequality in India

More archive stories

India is a land full of stories. On every street, on every corner and in the many places in India, life is rushing by you as a photographer with millions of stories to be told. In the archive story above, you hopefully had a readable insight in the story that was behind the photo of two street children in Mumbai. On this website of Kristian Bertel | Photography you can find numerous travel pictures from the photographer. Stories and moments that tell the travel stories of how the photographer captured the specific scene that you see in the picture. The photographer's images have a story behind them, images that all are taken from around India throughout his photo journeys. The archive stories delve into Kristian's personal archive to reveal never-before-seen, including portraits and landscapes beautifully produced snapshots from various travel assignments. The archive is so-far organized into photo stories, this one included, each brought to life by narrative text and full-color photos. Together, these fascinating stories tell a story about the life in India. India, the motherland to many people around the world, a land of unforgetable travel moments. The archive takes viewers on a spectacular visual journey through some of the most stunning photographs to be found in the photographer's archive collection. The photographer culled the images to reflect the many variations on the universal theme of beauty and everyday life in India. By adding these back stories the photographer's work might immensely enhanced the understanding of the photographs.
